Sunday, 20 December 2009
Iliotibial Band stretch
Sit on the floor with your arms straight and hands resting on the surface of a chair. Extends your legs laterally. Exhale and turn your body laterally, crossing your left leg over your right knee and placing your left foot on the floor. Exhale, bend the supporting arms, and allow the extended leg to slide away form the chair while attempting to lower your hip to the floor.
Stand with your hands at your sides and extend and adduct your left left leg as far as possible. Exhale and flex your trunk laterally toward your right side, keeping your hands by your hips.
Stand with your hands at your sides and extend and adduct your left leg as far as possible. exhale and flex your torso laterally toward your right side. Try to touch the heel of your left leg with both hands. Exhale, round your upper torso, and return to the starting position.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Gluteal stretch
Supine Gluteal Stretch
Begin lying on your back. Using your hands, take your knee towards your opposite shoulder until you feel a stretch in the buttocks or front of your hip. Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Prone Gluteal Stretch Begin this stretch on your hands and knees. Place the leg to be stretched under your stomach/chest, with
your knee in front of your hips and your foot to the sides. Gently lower your upper body onto your leg, keeping your back leg straight, until you feel a stretch in the buttocks. Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Long Sitting Gluteal Stretch
Begin sitting on the floor with both legs in front of you. Place your foot of the leg to be stretched on the other side of your straight leg. Keeping your back straight, pull the leg to be stretched towards your chest, until you feel a stretch in the buttocks. Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Quadriceps stretch
Prone position
Lie face down, flex one knee and raise your heel toward your buttocks. Exhale ,grasp your raised ankle, and pull your heel toward your buttocks without overcompressing the knee.( do not arch your lower back or twist your pelvis.)
Stand holding onto something for balance. Flex one knee and raise your heel to your buttocks. Slightly flex your supporting leg, exhale, and grasp your raised foot with one hand. Inhale and slowly pull your heel toward your buttocks without overcompressing the knee.
Stand with the top of one foot resting on a chair behind you. Inhale and slowly flex your front knee.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Lower Back Stretch
Sit on a chair with your legs slightly
separated. Exhale extend your upper torso, bend at the hips,and lower your stomach between your thighs.
Lie on your back, flex your knees, and slide your feet toward your buttocks. Grasp behind your thighs to prevent hyperflexion of the knees. Exhale, pull your knees toward your chest and shoulders, and elevate your hips off the floor.
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Side Stretches
Standing Side Bend
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms by your sides. Lift your arm straight up, above your head. Bend to your left side, running your left hand down your left leg. Feel the stretch in your right side. Repeat by switching sides. Don't lean forward or backward during stretch.
Sitting Side Bend
This is basically the same stretch as above ,but done seated. Sit on a chair and rest your hands on your thighs. Lift your arm straight up, above your head, bend to the left. Feel the stretch in your right side. Switch sides and repeat.
Sitting Side twist
Sit on a chair, keep your back straight (don't slouch).Keeping your feet fixed on the floor, turn your shoulders to the right and hold the back of the chair with both hands. Feel the stretch. Repeat by turning to the left.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Triceps Stretch
Sit or stand with one arm flexed, raised overhead next to your ear, and your hand resting on your shoulder blade. Grasp your elbow with the other hand, exhale, and pull your elbow behind your head. Hold for 15 seconds.
Sit or stand with one arm behind your lower back as far up on your back as possible.
Lift your other arm overhead while holding a folded towel and flex your elbow. Grasp the towel with your lower hand and inhales as you pull your hands towards each other.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Shoulder Stretch
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Upper Back Stretch
Upper Back Stretch
Sit on the floor with knees slightly flexed, upper torso resting on your thighs, elbows under your knees, and your hands grasping your thighs. Exhale lean forward, and pull back on your thighs while keeping your feet on the floor.
Take the hands straight out in front of your parallel, palms facing each other. Twist the wrist inward so that the palms face out and then cross the left arm over the left, bringing the palms together. If their hurts your shoulder or wrists, simply do the move without the twist. Round the back, reaching the arms away from you as you relax the head. Contract the abs and imagine that your stretching up and over an imaginary ball rather than collapsing in the middle. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Standing Biceps Stretch
Clasp your hands behind your back with your palms together, straighten arms, and then rotate them so your palms face downward. raise your arms up and hold until you feel a stretch in your biceps.
Begin with your back and neck straight and your arm supported behind you on a bench or table. Gently lower your body, allowing your arm to move further behind you until you feel a mild to modorate stretch pain free. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat 4 times.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Chest Stretch
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your legs slightly bent. Clasp your hands behind your back. Pull your tummy muscles in and keep your head, neck and shoulder relaxed. Keeping your back straight, lift your arms away from your back until you can feel the stretch across your chest, you should feel your chest "opening". Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, then return to the start.
Stand facing a corner or open doorway. Raise your elbows to shoulder height at your sides, bend your elbows so that your forearms point straight up, and place your palms against the walls or door frame to stretch the sternal section of the pectoral muscles on both sides. This position will form the letter T.
Stretching Exercise
Monday, 5 October 2009
Balance exercise #8
Go to one end of a hall and slowly raise up as high as you can onto your heels. Walk down the hall on your heels. When you reach the other side come down onto your feet and stand normally. Rest. Repeat 5 times.
Cross-over walk
Go to one end of a hall and walk down the hall by placing one foot in front and on the other side of the other foot. Your feet are going in front and then sideways with each step, But your body continues to go straight. When you reach the other side stand normally. Rest. Repeat 5 times.
Tandem backward walk
Go to one end of a hall and place on foot behind the other foot so that the heel of one foot touches the toes of the other foot. Walk down the hall in a backward tandem walk. Its is important that with each step the toes on one foot touch the heel of the other. If you make a mistake, just place one foot behind the other and continue down the hall. When you reach the other side, stand normally. Rest. Repeat 5 times
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Go to one end of a hall and place one foot in front of the other so that the heel of one foot touches the toes of the other foot. Walk down the hall in tandem walk. It is important that with each step the heel of one foot touches the toes of the other. If you make a mistake, just place one foot in front of the other and continue down the hall. When you reach the other side stand normally. Rest,repeat 5 times
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Balance exercise #7
Monday, 21 September 2009
Balance Exercise #6
Floor Tap
Stand on your left foot with a slight bend in knee and hip. Maintain your balance as you slowly bend forward hinging at your hips, to tap the floor with your hand right hand. Slowly return to standing upright on your leg left leg. Keep your abdominals tight for stability as you tap the floor. Repeat three to five times on each side. To make the exercise easier,lightly rest your hand on a wall or other stable object to help maintain balance. To add difficulty, stand on a minitrampoline ,exercise mat, foam block or other such surface as you perform the floor taps.
Monday, 27 July 2009
Balance Exercise #5
Stand with feet up to hip-width apart. Lift heels off the floor and put weight on the balls of your feet. Tighten your abdominal and maintain your balance while up on your toes, look to your right and back to the center, look left and back to the center. Move your head slowly. Find a point in front of you as a reference point and look at it whenever you return to center.
Keep your abdominal tight throughout the exercise to maintain stability at your core. To make this easier, stay flat-footed on the ground instead of rising to tiptoes. To challenge yourself, stand on an exercise mat or other soft surface or try closing your eyes. Repeat two or five times.
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Balance Exercise #4
Single Leg Stance To The Back
Stand with feet straight and hip-width apart. Draw -in belly button and squeeze butt muscles. Balance on one leg and lift other directly beside it. Extend hip or lifted leg backward, keep knee straight, point toe, hold 5 seconds. Return to start then repeat to other side.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Balance Exercise #3
Side Leg Raise
Stand next to a sturdy surface like a chair.If you need to use your fingertips to balance, do so. Raise one leg off the floor to the side, and hold it 6 to 12 inches off the floor, then lower it. Do not bend forward at the waist (engage your core). Repeat 10 to 15 times per leg. Make this more difficult by removing your fingertips from the chair(if you are using it) and even more difficult by closing your eyes.
Monday, 6 July 2009
Balance Exercise #2
Single Leg Balance
Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and place your hands on your hips.Draw your belly button. Lift one leg off the ground and right beside the balanced leg squeeze the buttocks of the balanced leg. Keep your hips level and hold for 5 to 20 seconds. Repeat with other leg. If this difficult, support yourself by gently holding on to a chair or wall.
Single Leg Hip Rotation
Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart, place your hands on hips. Draw your belly button in and contract your buttocks, maintain this throughout the exercise. Lift one leg off the ground and right beside the balanced leg. Keep hips level and rotate at the hips to the side opposite of the balanced leg and hold for 2 second. Return back to start and repeat with one leg.
Monday, 29 June 2009
Balance exercise #1
"ALL FOURS" balance exercise
Get on all fours, with your knees and also your hands 12-18 inches apart. Pull your stomach muscles in tight. Keep your shoulders pinched back and your back flat. Keep your chin "in" and your head "straight". Now lift each arm by itself and hold for 3-10 seconds. Return arms to floor.Now lift each leg by itself, no more than 6" off the floor. Hold for 3-10seconds.
Finally, lift the opposite arm and leg together no more than 1" and hold for 3-10 seconds. Reach only if you feel steady. Repeat on opposite side.
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Chin Tuck
Sit up straight in a chair.Sit to the front,not against the back of the chair.Sitting up will help you to strengthen the muscles you need for good posture.Performing this exercise is simple.Using either hand.Put your finger tips against your chin and gently push your head straight back,it's almost as though you are trying to make a double chin.Relax the chin back forward to a neutral position.Repeat for 8-12 times.You can use this exercise throughout the day to maintain good posture.
Neck Flexion
You can do it standing or sitting.The position isn't important, as long as you comfortable and relaxed. Begin the exercise by bending your head forward, allowing your chin to drop towards your chest. Stretch until it feels tight, hold for 5-10 seconds,then gently raise your head back up. Do this 10 times and feel free to repeat through the day.
Sunday, 14 June 2009
exercise you can do in your work #8
To stretch the muscles along the side of your neck, face forward and look straight ahead. Tilt your head toward one side, gently pushing your ear toward your shoulder. Hold for 15 seconds. Lift your head into a normal, upright position.
Relax, and repeat three times on each side
Head Rotation
Turn your head slowly round to one side until it cannot easily go any further. Once you have done five to one side do the other. Do not go from one side to the other in the individual movements or roll your neck about.Hold your neck at the end of the movement for a few seconds as this is the most valuable part of the movement to maintain or increase your movement.
Monday, 8 June 2009
STATIC HAMSTRING CONTRACTION Begin this hamstring strengthening exercise in sitting with your knee bent to about 45 degrees. Press your heel into the floor tightening the back of your thigh (hamstrings). Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times as hard as possible pain free.
Begin this hamstring strengthening exercise standing at a bench or chair for balance. Keeping your back and knee straight, slowly take your leg backwards tightening the back of your thigh (hamstrings). Then slowly return the leg back to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions as far as possible provided it is pain-free.
Monday, 1 June 2009
Chair Leg Extension (Strengthened Quadriceps muscles or Thighs)
Press your tailbone firmly against the back of the chair. If the chair is adjustable, move the height so your thighs are parallel to the ground. Lightly grasp the armrests or the edges of the seat pad. Keeping your back straight and looking straight ahead, slowly extend your right leg with your foot flexed toward your shin. At the top of the movement, your leg should be fully extended, but don't forcefully lock out your knee. Slowly return
to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions, then repeat with your left leg (3 times a day).
Hip Adductor Strengthening
Sitting with the knees touching and feet slightly apart. Push the knees together tightly. Hold for a count of 5 then relax. Repeat as tolerated.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009