Having good balance means being able to control and maintain your body's position, wheter you are moving or remaining still. An intact sense of balance helps you( walk without staggering, get up from chair without falling, climb stairs without tripping.) Performing these balance exercises daily will keep you independent and prevent falls. You can start out with simple balance activities and increase the difficulty as your balance improves.
ALL FOURS" balance exercise
Get on all fours,

with your knees and also your hands 12-18 inches apart. Pull your stomach muscles in tight. Keep your shoulders pinched back and your back flat. Keep your chin "in" and your head "straight". Now lift each arm by itself and hold for 3-10 seconds. Return arms to floor.Now lift each leg by itself, no more than 6" off the floor. Hold for 3-10seconds.
Finally, lift the opposite arm and leg together no more than 1" and hold

for 3-10 seconds. Reach only if you feel steady. Repeat on opposite side.
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