Wednesday 27 October 2010

Neck Exercise #1

Tilt from Front to Back
Tilt your head slowly back,far enough so you can look up.Hold posture for a moment.Return slowly to front position.Do 5-10 repititions of this exercise, 3 times a day

Sunday 10 October 2010

Neck Exercise

These days people may feel discomfort in the neck from a variety of everyday stresses via work,family or other outside influences.Most people may not realize that constant tension in the neck and shoulders will lead to other discomforts such as headaches.By giving simple neck exercises that can be done throuhout the day can help reduce stress and provide temporarily relief.

Neck exercise are to be done pain free,smooth and slow controlled motion at all times.Neck stretches are done to a count of 30 seconds hold and three repetitions.Neck exercise are usually done in repetitions of 10.For best result,neck exercises and neck stretches should be done on a daily basis for multiple times throughout the day.