Wednesday 30 January 2013

Hip Adductor stretch

Stand upright with feet wide apart.Lunge down to either side until knee is above foot. Extend other leg and support position by letting placing elbow on thigh of flexed leg. Hold stretch 30 to 40 secs.2 x repetition.

Monday 16 April 2012

Lying glute stretch

Lie on floor or mat.Bend knees with feet on floor.Cross lower leg over thigh of other leg.Grasp back of thigh of lower leg with both hands.Pull leg toward torso.Hold stretch (60 secs.).repeat with opposite leg.

Monday 9 April 2012

Calf muscle stretch

Stand with one leg in front of the other,with both feet pointed forward.Place hands on a wall or similar for support.Keep back knee bent ,with the heel pressed to the floor,push your hips forward while pressing your back heel to ground.Hold the stretch for 60 secs.Repeat on each leg. All stretches should be felt in the back leg Not the front leg.

Monday 20 February 2012

Iliotibial IT Band Stretch

Stand in a doorway with your left leg crossed in front of your right leg.
With your right arm extending overhead, reach for the left side of the door frame.
Put your left hand on your hip. Continue to stretch so you feel a complete stretch on the outer torso, hip, upper thigh and knee of your right leg. Hold 20 to 30 seconds and change sides.
For a deeper stretch, keep your feet farther apart, bend the knee of your forward foot and keep the back knee straight.
Push slightly on your left hip to move your hips to the right; you will feel a slight stretch along the right side of your torso.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Hamstring stretch

Begin by lying on the ground & positioning the non-stretching leg so that it supports your weight while making a triangle with the ground.Try to lift the other leg,holding it as straight as you can.The more flexible you are,the closer to your torso you should be able to pull your leg.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Hamstring stretch

The most traditional hamstring stretch starts in seated position.Place one leg in front of you.Bend your other leg with the sole of your foot facing towards your straight leg and knee pointed out.Keeping your back straight,lean forward from the hips,reaching towards your toes.Ideally,you should reach past your toes,but remember not to overstretch or bounce while trying to touch them,just stay within your comfort zone.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Shin Stretches

Standing Shin Stretch
Balance yourself near a pole or wall.Put your weight on the supporting leg.Now,touch the other foot to the ground,toe first,and pull your rear foot foot forward just to the point
where it is about to move forward.Hold it there.You should feel the shin muscles elongate and loosen up.Hold it 20 to 30 seconds,then switch legs.