Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Knee Strengthening-Basic exercise #1

Static Inner Quadriceps Contraction

Tighten the muscle at the front of your thigh(quads)by pushing your knee down into a towel.Put your fingers on your inner quads(VMO-vastus medialis obliquus)to feel the muscle tighten during contraction.Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times as hard as possible pain free.

Knee Strengthening Exercises

Knee strengthening exercises are designed to improve strength the muscles of the knee.Begin with the basic knee stretngthening exercises,once these are too easy they can be replaced with the intermediate knee strengthening exercises and eventually,the advanced knee strengthening exercises

Monday, 15 March 2010

Simple back exercise#6

Side bending

Stand with your hands by your side.Fingertips resting against the sides of your thighs. Slowly slide one hand down towards the knee, keeping your trunk upright and avoiding any twisting as you bend your body sideways. Reach as far down as you can, pause, then slowly straighten up. Do 5 to 10 bends to one side, then take a short rest before doing the other.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Simple back exercise #5

Forward bending

Stand with knees slightly bent. Bend forward from the waist as far as you can comfortably go. Let your arms hang down toward the floor. Keep weight evenly distributed as hold for 5 deep breaths. Come back up one vertebra at a time.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Simple back exercise #4

Prone lying back extension

Lie on your stomach with your arms to the sides and bent to 90 degrees. Keep your head and neck in alignment with your spine all the time. Starting with the head and neck in alignment with your spine on segment at a time until your chest comes off the ground. Return slowly to the start position.